Otto 48 Hz Tuning Forks weighted

Tuning Forks: Weighted: Aluminium Tuning Forks

Otto 48 Hz Tuning Forks Weighted

Cat No.: 10066

Otto 48 hz Tuning fork for Sound Therapy. These are high quality machine made tuning forks which are excellent for sound healing and not moulded tuning forks. Free shipping.

Free Tuning Fork Activator with this Tuning Fork Set. All Forks are in attractive Velvet Pouch.


Product Description

The Otto Tuning Forks are used for relaxation and for sending vibrations into the bones. The Otto Tuners are available in 4 different frequencies. This Tuner is tuned to the frequency of 48hz. It vibrates at a low pitch due to its weighted prongs. You may start your explorations with the 128hz and then graduate to this frequency.

The Otto 48 vibrates in the frequency range of the cat's purr. The soothing sound and vibration can have a calming effect on the body, mind and emotions when placed on the sternum and feet. It can have a calming and hypnotic effect on the body and mind. Used ears and upper and lower torso and soles of the feet, the Otto 48 can promote instant relaxation and stimulate the cranial sacral pulse.

Used primarily for relaxation and grounding, the Otto Tuners resonate with the deeper tones of the Earth.

The Otto Tuner is the note of C in the diatonic scale.

These frequencies project sound into the physical body, especially in the bones. The effect is to replenish the tone of tissues and to align them well. Great for sore muscles and relaxation of bones.

To read more about our Tuning Forks More information on sound healing item(s)